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Rubber Mounts - Male / Female M3 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 / Type B


These Discounts will be applied during Checkout


Mainly used for air compressors, diesel engines, gasoline engines, water pumps.- As a damping element for welding machine and other equipment- In the radio equipment, instruments, instrument, protect machine vibration interference , have a good buffer.- The internal friction, good damping effect, is conducive to cross the resonance region, high frequency vibration and noise attenuation.-No sliding parts, easy to maintain.-Easy install and removal.

  • Male/Female rubber buffers type B
  • All Items brand new
  • Rubber buffers on one side Male the other Female  (Male/FEMALE )
  • Metal/ Rubber 
  • Rubber: A- quality natural rubber , NK medium 
  • Natural Rubber NR 57 Shore Medium ST Galvanized Metal
  • Rubber hardness tolerance ± 5 shore 
  • Top quality , made of high quality material (No recycling goods) 
  • Temperature Range : - 40 Celsius + 90 Celsius 
I1 I2 M H D Price
6 3 M3 8 8 £0.67
10 4 M4 10 10 £0.83
10 4 M4 15 15 £0.88
15 6 M6 15 20 £1.00
15 6 M6 20 20 £1.05
15 6 M6 25 20 £1.10
15 6 M6 30 20 £1.15
18 6 M6 15 25 £1.10
18 6 M6 20 25 £1.18
18 8 M8 25 25 £1.23
18 8 M8 30 25 £1.28
20 8 M8 15 30 £1.35
20 8 M8 20 30 £1.45
20 8 M8 25 30 £1.58
20 8 M8 30 30 £1.70
20 8 M8 40 30 £1.85
23 8 M8 20 40 £1.90
23 8 M8 25 40 £1.95
23 8 M8 30 40 £2.10
28 10 M10 30 40 £2.50
23 8 M8 40 40 £2.20
28 10 M10 20 50 £2.80
28 10 M10 30 50 £3.00
28 10 M10 35 50 £3.10
28 10 M10 40 50 £3.18
28 10 M10 50 50 £3.45
28 10 M10 40 60 £5.20
28 10 M10 50 70 £6.75
37 12 M12 25 75 £6.80
37 12 M12 40 75 £7.18
37 12 M12 50 75 £7.53
42 16 M16 55 100 £14.80
42 16 M16 40 100 £14.08
42 16 M16 50 100 £14.15
42 16 M16 75 100 £16.10
45 20 M20 50 150 £41.33
45 20 M20 75 150 £61.95
45 20 M20 100 150 £79.35
45 20 M20 100 200 £99.08