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What is bobbin mounts ?

Bobbin mounts are a type of vibration isolator that is commonly used in various industrial applications to reduce the transmission of vibration and noise between two components. These mounts consist of a cylindrical elastomeric rubber element, known as a bobbin, that is attached to a metal mounting plate on either side.

The bobbin itself is designed to provide a high level of flexibility and elasticity, allowing it to absorb and dampen vibrations effectively. It is typically made from a specialized type of rubber that is resistant to oil, chemicals, and extreme temperatures, making it suitable for use in harsh environments.

The metal mounting plates that attach to the bobbin are designed to provide a stable and secure connection between the two components being isolated. They are typically made from steel or aluminum and may be machined or stamped to fit specific applications.

Bobbin mounts are commonly used in applications such as engines, generators, compressors, and HVAC equipment, where they can help to reduce noise and vibration levels and extend the life of sensitive components. They are also used in various types of machinery, including printing presses, packaging equipment, and food processing machinery, where they can help to reduce downtime and improve productivity.

There are several different types of bobbin mounts available, including cylindrical, conical, and square mounts, each of which is designed to provide different levels of vibration isolation and damping. Some mounts may also feature a built-in leveling device or a locking mechanism to prevent unwanted movement or rotation.

In conclusion, bobbin mounts are an essential component in many industrial applications, helping to reduce noise and vibration levels, improve productivity, and extend the life of sensitive components. With their high levels of flexibility and elasticity, they are an effective and reliable solution for reducing the transmission of vibration and noise between two components.

27 Nov 2021